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Dog photographer 

The dog photographer who comes to your home! 


As a dog lover, I know that your dog has an important place in your life. It is your faithful companion that you take long walks with or relax on the couch with. These heart conquerors also occupy a central place within the family. Often photo shoots are done, of yourself, with your family or relatives. But do you also have a unique portrait of your dog?


How cool is it to have timeless images of your dog? A classic painterly portrait for the wall! As a photographer I offer a unique concept. I come to you with my studio equipment! With my experience and expertise I make a unique portrait of your four-legged friend.


During the photo session, the importance of your dog is central. Every photo session is relaxed with a lot of patience and attention for your dog. I reserve 2 hours for a session, this includes the set-up and dismantling of the set.


With patience. attention and fun, this is guaranteed to be an unforgettable moment for both! Book your dog shoot via the accessible online booking system! 

Sabrina Vermeulen


Sabrina Vermeulen, Zandvoort Tel: 06-19173321

Oude raadhuis Zandvoort

Altijd al een mooi klassiek en karakteristiek portret van jouw hond willen hebben?
Van 30 november tot 22 december is het mogelijk om jouw hond voor een gereduceerd tarief van 150,- uniek te laten fotograferen. 


Meld je aan

Blijf op de hoogte over leuke acties en hondenfotoshoot dagen op locatie

Bedankt voor het aanmelden!

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